Follow Derpy_Noodles
Lancer Official
Shadow of the Wolf
A narrative mission for Lancer RPG
Massif Press
An investigative mission for Lancer RPG
Massif Press
Siren's Song: A Mountain's Remorse
A dramatic mission for Lancer RPG
Massif Press
Operation Winter Scar
A narrative mission for Lancer RPG
Massif Press
Operation Solstice Rain
An introductory mission for Lancer RPG
Massif Press
The Karrakin Trade Baronies: a Lancer Setting
A Lancer RPG setting
Massif Press
The Long Rim: a Lancer Setting
The Long Rim: between promise and prosperity, where pirates stalk and the wealth of the galaxy flows...
Massif Press
No Room for a Wallflower: Act 1
A narrative campaign for Lancer RPG
Massif Press
Lancer Core Book: First Edition PDF
The core rulebook and setting guide for Lancer, a game centered on pilots and their mechs.
Massif Press
Lancer 3rd Party
Kill the Noise
A free-radio, urban-crawl one-shot powered by LANCER
Field Guide to Iridia
A homebrew setting guide and content expansion for LANCER: The Mech RPG.
Miss DataNinja
Lancer RPG Homebrew - Intercorp Licenses
Interpoint Station
GMS Crisis Catalog
Shit's hit the fan, Soldier. Gear up.
An NHP Supplement for Lancer RPG
Katherine Stark
Maximum Threat: A Lancer NPC Supplement
A host of Third Party NPCs and rules expansions for the LANCER system by Massif Press
Lancer: Enhanced Combat
A Lancer RPG Supplement
Interpoint Station
In Golden Flame Act 1
Vex Werewolf
Pierce the Heavens
A worker liberation module powered by LANCER
The Tombs of Delios
A one-shot adventure for Lancer RPG
Katherine Stark
Lancer RPG Template
A Microsoft Word & Google Docs template for creating Lancer RPG content.
Daedalus Rising
A Lancer Setting
Fey Light Studio
LANCER Action Reference Sheet
Combat cheat-sheet for LANCER RPG.
Lancer: High Value Targets
Five bespoke combats, twice as many unique enemies, and special rules for powerful NPCs and their lackeys.
P.B. Cornylius